RE/MAX Lake Country has (9) lake real estate listings

   Minnesota > (private lake, pond, creek)
Looking for privacy, look no further. This 12.6-acre, Pelican - Lake Home For Sale in Orr, Minnesota
Looking for privacy, look no further. This 12.6-acre, Pelican
   Minnesota > Ban Lake
18.5 wooded acres with 334+/- feet of shoreline on Ban Lake - Lake Lot For Sale in Buyck, Minnesota
18.5 wooded acres with 334+/- feet of shoreline on Ban Lake
18.5 wooded acres with 334+/- feet of shoreline on Ban Lake - Lake Acreage For Sale in Buyck, Minnesota
18.5 wooded acres with 334+/- feet of shoreline on Ban Lake
   Minnesota > Crane Lake
Crane Lake. Rare opportunity to own part of a new development - Lake Commercial For Sale in Crane Lake, Minnesota
Crane Lake. Rare opportunity to own part of a new development
Crane Lake. Rare opportunity to own part of a new development - Lake Acreage For Sale in Crane Lake, Minnesota
Crane Lake. Rare opportunity to own part of a new development
   Minnesota > Pelican Lake - St. Louis County
Looking for peace and quiet, but still have the convenience of - Lake Home For Sale in Orr, Minnesota
Looking for peace and quiet, but still have the convenience of
Looking for peace and quiet, but still have the convenience of - Lake Home For Sale in Orr, Minnesota
Looking for peace and quiet, but still have the convenience of
Affordable waterfront property! This Pelican Lake sleeper cabin - Lake Acreage For Sale in Orr, Minnesota
Affordable waterfront property! This Pelican Lake sleeper cabin
Affordable waterfront property! This Pelican Lake sleeper cabin - Lake Lot For Sale in Orr, Minnesota
Affordable waterfront property! This Pelican Lake sleeper cabin